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Новое домашнее задание по английскому языку 8-11 класс

Количество просмотров: 1200


Read ex4 page15


H|w Ex9 page16


Read the article ex2 page17

Answer the questions of ex3 page17

Choose the correct item ex4 page18

H|w ex9 page19

Write down the new words of ex2 page20 into your vocabulary Find the translation

Read and translate the text of ex3 page21

H|w Learn the new words and do ex8 page22


9 класс

Read grammar point

Write down the note on page18 into your c-book and remember and grammar point on the page19

Answer the questions of ex3 page19

H\w ex8 page20

Read and translate the article ex2b page21

Write down the new words into vocabulary

Complete the chart of ex3 page23

H\w ex4 page24 ex6 page24

Read the letter ex1 page25

Do ex3 page27

H\w ex5 page27

10 класс

Do ex1 page12

Remember the new words from the tableex2 page12

And do the exercise

Answer the questions of ex4 page13

Remember the new words of ex4b page14

H\w Answer the questions of ex5 page14in writing

Answer the questions of ex7 page15

Read the information about writing processex2 page16

Read ex3a page16

H\w ex4 page17 Ex5 page17

Revise the grammar

H\wex1,2 page18


11 класс

Повторение Conditional

Clauses of the 1sp type

p.27 p.28

  1. Do ex. 3, 4, 5, p. 28

  2. Do ex. 3, p. 30

  3. Do ex.2, p. 30

  4. Read the article p. 36

    do ex. 4, p. 35

  5. Look through p. 37, ex. 5

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